Low Dimensional Quantum Field Theories

       Conformal Field Theory (CFT)

       CFTs are conformally invariant field theories, primarily in two spacetime dimensions. There are several motivations to study them:


       Integrable Quantum Field Theories (IQFTs)

IQFTs are theories which classically have infinitely many conserved charges that are preserved at the quantum level, mostly  in two spacetime dimensions. In most cases they can be considered as perturbations of an ultraviolet fixed point CFT by some relevant operator. This is the UV (ultraviolet, or Lagrangian) description.

On the other hand, using the bootstrap approach one can conjecture their spectra and S-matrices. These are called the IR (infrared) data of the theory. Using these data, one can calculate exact matrix elements of local operators, the so-called form factors which can be used to give an approximation for the large-distance behaviour of correlation functions.

       Local/Nonlocal Dynamical Symmetries

IQFTs have many interesting dynamical symmetries, some of  which are generated by nonlocal charges and correspond to algebras of the Hopf / quantum group type. These symmetries play an extremely important role in the determination of the spectrum and the S-matrix. They can be used to determine S-matrices of massive perturbations of rational conformal field theories (RCFT) and play a fundamental role in calculating the scattering amplitudes in affine Toda field theories.

There is always the question whether the S-matrices determined (or rather, conjectured) using these methods actually correspond to what is called the Lagrangian  of the theory. To demonstrate this, one needs a link between the UV and IR descriptions which is provided by

       Finite Size Effects

Finite size effects mean the dependence of the spectrum of the QFT on a finite spatial volume. They can be studied using the following methods:

TCS is a numerical approach (an implementation of the well-known variational approach in quantum mechanics), while the TBA and NLIE approaches are analytic methods, both based on Bethe Ansatz.

Using these methods one can establish the correctness of conjectured S-matrices, compute relations between the physical masses of particles and Lagrangian parameters (i.e. matching IR and UV data) and calculate the Casimir energy for the vacuum and the excited states of an IQFT.

The scaling functions describing the finite size effects contain a great deal of information about the QFT system and have some beautiful analytic properties which play a significant role in recent developments.

       Nonintegrable Field Theories

Some of the techniques developed for studying CFT & IQFT, together with the insight gained in course, can be applied to the study of nonintegrable quantum field theories. From the point of view of QFT, they are much more realistic models than their integrable counterparts since

Currently, one of the most active areas of development is

       Boundary CFT and IQFT

motivated partially by issues in nonperturbative string physics and partially by condensed matter problems. In this case, the field theory problem is set up in a spacetime with a boundary on which certain boundary conditions and interactions are prescribed. The focus is on the effect of the boundary on physical phenomena. Finite size effects, once again, provide a very efficient method to approach these problems.

From a field theorist's point of of view, ultimately, all these efforts serve to clarify issues in

       Nonperturbative Quantum Field Theory

Nonperturbative effects are extremely important for our understanding of nature. The most well-known particle physics example is the description of hadrons in QCD, but they play a significant role in many other areas of high energy physics, cosmology and condensed  matter physics. The hope is that studying CFT and IQFT can lead us closer to the understanding of these problems. There are cases when the results are directly relevant to phenomenology, e.g. quantum Hall effect or the Kondo problem.